All My Stupid Phobias and Even Stupider Pet Peeves

Hello, I'm Garner Lee and I have about a million different phobias that others seem to find amusing for some reason. All my darn phobias simply annoy the crap out of me so I decided to create a blog about them so I can rant. I hope you find them as amusing as my friends and family do.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Phobia #4

I check all my shoes for tarantulas before I put them on.


Started a Twitter for my Phobia site... trying to get some more followers!!!

Phobia #3

When I'm home alone I dial 91 on the phone just to be safe. The last 1 is never far from my reach in case a robber, hobo from my backyard or bigfoot breaks into my home.
Oh how my Phobias taunt me.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Phobia #2

I feel self conscious changing clothes in front of my cat.
All my stupid phobias!

Phobia #1

I believe that someone put a video camera in my shower drain... the solution? I keep a large sea shell in my shower so when I'm in there I can put it over the drain so that the video camera cannot see me... I have been doing this for 3 years. help me I'm a weirdo